Putin slams ‘heinous’ capturing of ‘brave’ Slovakian PM Robert Fico as Biden leads world condemnation of ‘horrific act of violence’

There was an outpouring of help and well-wishes from Heads of State World leaders have at this time condemned the capturing of Slovakian PM Robert Fico, who was shot level clean within the abdomen whereas greeting a crowd within the city of Handlova. There was an instantaneous outpouring of help and well-wishes from Heads of … Read more

Proud Boys seem at Trump rally, drawing condemnation from Biden, silence from Trump

WILMINGTON, N.C. — At the least 10 males sporting the uniform of the Proud Boys, a violent extremist group, appeared exterior the doorway of a rally right here for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, prompting condemnation from President Biden’s marketing campaign. The lads — sporting black and yellow shirts, hats and masks figuring out them … Read more

Trump’s menace to NATO allies attracts little condemnation from GOP, reflecting his grip on the occasion

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump ‘s declare that he as soon as advised a NATO ally that he would encourage Russia “to do regardless of the hell they need” to “delinquent” members of the group despatched shockwaves by Europe over the weekend. However in Washington, most Republicans downplayed or defended remarks that appeared to ask … Read more