Poland counters Putin’s historic distortions, debunks claims in Tucker Carlson interview

The Polish Ministry of International Affairs has responded to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s pseudo-historical claims introduced in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson on Feb. 9. They’ve printed ten factors refuting Putin’s fabrications. Through the two-hour dialog, Putin falsely portrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians whereas labeling Russia because the aggrieved get together within the conflict. … Read more

Putin debunks his personal propaganda by disarming Russia’s NATO borders

For the previous twenty-one months, Vladimir Putin has persistently blamed NATO for frightening the invasion of Ukraine. In keeping with the Kremlin dictator, years of NATO growth posed an escalating safety menace to Russia that ultimately left the nation with no alternative however to defend itself. This NATO narrative has confirmed way more persuasive amongst … Read more

Putin debunks his personal propaganda by disarming Russia’s NATO borders

For the previous twenty-one months, Vladimir Putin has persistently blamed NATO for upsetting the invasion of Ukraine. In line with the Kremlin dictator, years of NATO growth posed an escalating safety menace to Russia that finally left the nation with no selection however to defend itself. This NATO narrative has confirmed much more persuasive amongst … Read more