Prisoners moved out of Wandsworth jail after Daniel Khalife’s escape | Politics Information

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk stated that as a precautionary measure, round 40 inmates have been moved out of Wandsworth jail after terror suspect Daniel Khalife managed to flee. By Faye Brown, Political reporter @fayebrownSky Sunday 10 September 2023 10:18, UK About 40 prisoners have been moved out of Wandsworth jail after the escape of terror … Read more

Politics newest: ‘Lack of employees’ in Wandsworth jail could have allowed fugitive to flee, says chief inspector of prisons | Politics Information

Disgraced ex-MP Chris Pincher was urged by the Tory excessive command to “assist the prime minister” by quitting now so the by-election in his Tamworth constituency might be held on the identical day because the Mid Bedfordshire ballot. After Mr Pincher formally resigned as an MP after shedding his attraction in opposition to an eight-week … Read more

MP ‘attempting to attain political factors’ in Wandsworth prisoner manhunt | Information

Ben Shephard accused Conservative MP Michelle Donelan of ‘attempting to attain political factors’ because the manhunt for suspected terrorist Daniel Abed Khalife continues. Science and Know-how Minister Michelle Donelan instructed Good Morning Britain viewers that beneath the Conservative authorities, the figures of escaped prisoners is “significantly much less” than when Labour was in energy. She … Read more